Since the very inception, PIE International Education has always been keen about the future of our dear students. We have successfully sent over 10K+ candidates abroad so far which are currently residing in Canada, USA, Malaysia, Australia and in the UK. We offer expert consultancy to our students, support them in researching their top university and program choices, apply for them, celebrate the reception of their offer letters, and provide all necessary assistance required for the VISA procedure.
Join the Biggest education fest with PIE at 4 of our branches from 11 am to 5 pm every day! The Education Fest is an opportunity for you to personally experience the best of education. Everyone who is serious about studying at an International University for a great career growth can visit us. Just click the button to book your FREE Counselling allocation.
Our goal is to make the process of finding the perfect university for you as simple as possible. We want you to also know that your choice will benefit your family, your community, and your country.